Tools for working with coverage and panels in d4 files.
The input panel is expected to be a flat text file with HGNC names for each gene of interest.
If using Scout, this can be retrieved from the mongo database as such.
mongoexport \
--uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/scout" \
--collection=gene_panel \
--query='{"panel_name": "OMIM-AUTO"}' \
--sort='{ "version": -1 }' \
--limit=1 \
This can subsequently be converted using the util script
. Note the python -m scripts.prepare_panel
syntax is needed for it to import other modules correctly.
python3 -m scripts.prepare_panel --panel_json omim_latest.json --out_tsv omim_latest.tsv
A GTF file with the genes, their annotations and mane transcripts + exons is required.
You can either download a MANE GTF directly, but you might miss out on some transcripts which have no MANE-transcripts. If included, you will still get gene-level coverage.
Or, you download a full GTF and optionally trim it down to panel genes. This will speed up analysis.
In the moment of writing, the latest ENSEMBL GTF can be downloaded from:
This can be parsed:
python3 -m scripts.prepare_gtf \
--in_gtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.113.gtf.gz \
--panel_genes omim_latest.tsv \
--out_gtf parsed_mane_from_full.gtf
The latest MANE version can be downloaded from:
Download the genomic GTF file. In the moment of writing, it is this one:
python3 --help