On 7th June 2023, School of Dragons announced they were "sunsetting" the game, and turning the servers off on the 30th of June. At that time, SoDOff was born. Currently, it is an almost complete implementation of the School of Dragons API server (and some other JS games). It allows you to run SoD offline as well as host private online servers.
We also provide MMO server implementation for SoD (https://github.com/SoDOff-Project/sodoff-mmo). It is recommended to use the MMO server even when offline, as some aspects of the single player game depend on MMO.
SoDOff is open source, distributed under the AGPL license.
This license does not cover resources obtained from the game or from responses of the original API distributed with the API server, especially:
, items.xml
, allranks.xml
and store.xml
files from the src/Resources
directory and files inside the src/assets
To build the API server from sources, you'll need the dotnet 6.0 SDK. Simply run the following command to build and start the server:
dotnet run --project src/sodoff.csproj
To play the game you need to modify the game client to use http://localhost:5001/.com/conf/
instead of http://media.jumpstart.com/DWADragonsUnity/
You can use ClientPatcher tool form https://github.com/SoDOff-Project/sodoff-tools to do this. This tool also change correct ApiKey and 3DesKey values.
You can also do this by manually editing DOMain_Data/resources.assets
in a hex-editor and swapping the URLs (and keys if needed).
By default we use conf
instead of DWADragonsUnity
for XML configuration to allow the use of a longer server name/IP address (limitation of url length in resources.assets).
Provided sample DWADragonsMain.xml
file still requires the use of the DWADragonsUnity
directory for assets.
Most of the server configuration is stored in appsettings.json
. Check out the "// ..." keys in there for descriptions of different options.
The server support multiple versions of School of Dragons and some other JS online games (like Magic & Mythies, Math Blaster and World of JumpStart).
For each supported SoD client version, there must be a corresponding file located at assets/conf/{PLATFORM}/{VERSION}/DWADragonsMain.xml
By default (modifiable in appsettings.json), files for version 2.5.0 and newer will be automatically encrypted to meet the client's requirements.
A sample file is provided for {PLATFORM} = WIN
, {VERSION} = 3.31.0
It assumes that the server address are localhost:5000
(API) and localhost:5001
Various settings for the asset server are customizable, with the key one being ProviderURL
, which specifies the source for downloading assets in partial
mode. By default, it's configured to use archive.org
Please do not abuse the archive.org server, do not disable the UseCache
option and do not delete the contents of the asset-cache
The SoDOff-tools repository contains an AssetsDownloader tool to pre-download assets (this may be needed in case of a slow connection to ProviderURL
By default, the server listens on all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on ports 5000 (API) and 5001 (assets).
You can tweak this in appsettings.json
, but it might also mean adjusting DWADragonsMain.xml
and updating clients to reflect the changes in the asset server address.
The server supports server side modifications, which includes adding new items and putting them in the store without having to modify the server source code. For more information, check out src/mods/README-MODDING.md.
Almost everything:
- register/login
- create profile
- list profiles
- tutorial
- roaming in the open world
- inventory
- store
- missions
- hideouts
- farms
- minigames
- MMO (using sodoff-mmo)
- play as Guest
- friends
- clans
- in-game messaging system (Terrible Mail)
- AcceptMission
- AddBattleItems
- AuthenticateUser
- CreatePet
- DeleteAccountNotification
- DeleteProfile
- FuseItems
- GetAchievementsByUserID
- GetAllActivePetsByuserId
- GetAuthoritativeTime
- GetChildList
- GetCommonInventory (V2)
- GetDefaultNameSuggestion
- GetDetailedChildList
- GetGameData
- GetGameDataByUser
- GetImage
- GetImageByUserId
- GetItem
- GetKeyValuePair
- GetKeyValuePairByUserID
- GetMMOServerInfoWithZone (uses resource xml as response)
- GetPetAchievementsByUserID
- GetSelectedRaisedPet
- GetStore
- GetUnselectedPetByTypes
- GetUserActiveMissionState
- GetUserCompletedMissionState
- GetUserInfoByApiToken
- GetUserMissionState
- GetUserProfile
- GetUserProfileByUserID
- GetUserRoomItemPositions
- GetUserUpcomingMissionState
- IsValidApiToken_V2
- LoginChild
- LoginParent
- PurchaseItems (V1)
- PurchaseItems (V2)
- RedeemMysteryBoxItems
- RegisterChild
- RegisterParent
- RerollUserItem
- SetAchievementAndGetReward
- SetAchievementByEntityIDs
- SetAvatar
- SetCommonInventory
- SetDisplayName (V2)
- SetDragonXP (used by account import tools)
- SetImage
- SetKeyValuePair
- SetKeyValuePairByUserID
- SetPlayerXP (used by account import tools)
- SetRaisedPet
- SetSelectedPet
- SetUserRoomItemPositions
- UseInventory
- GetCommonInventory (V1 - returns the viking's inventory if it is called with a viking; otherwise returns 8 viking slots)
- GetGroupsByGroupType (only useful for Eat My Dust at the moment)
- GetQuestions (doesn't return all questions, probably doesn't need to)
- GetRules (doesn't return any rules, probably doesn't need to)
- GetSubscriptionInfo (always returns member, with end date 10 years from now)
- SendRawGameData
- SetNextItemState
- SetTaskState (only the TaskCanBeDone status is supported; might contain a serious problem - see the MissionService class)
- SetUserAchievementAndGetReward (works like SetAchievementAndGetReward)
- SetUserRoom
- ValidateName
- ApplyPayout (doesn't calculate rewards properly)
- ApplyRewards
- GetGameDataByGame (friend tab displays all players - friend filter is not yet implemented because friend lists are not implemented)
- GetGameDataByGameForDateRange (friend tab displays all players)
- GetTopAchievementPointUsers (ignores type [all, buddy, hall of fame, ...] and mode [overall, monthly, weekly] properties)
- GetUserAchievements (used by Magic & Mythies)
- GetUserRoomList (room categories are not implemented, but it's enough for SoD)
- JoinGroup (for Eat My Dust only)
- ProcessRewardedItems (gives gems, but doesn't give gold, gold is not yet implemented)
- SellItems (gives gems, but doesn't give gold, gold is not yet implemented)
- SetUserAchievementTask (returns a real reward but still use task placeholder)
- GetAchievementTaskInfo (returns a static XML)
- GetActiveChallenges (returns an empty array)
- GetAllRanks (needs to be populated with what ranks the user has)
- GetAllRewardTypeMultiplier (returns a static XML)
- GetAllRewardTypeMultiplier (returns a static XML)
- GetAnnouncementsByUser (returns no announcements, but that might be sufficient)
- GetAverageRatingForRoom (return max rating)
- GetBuddyList (returns an emtpy array)
- GetProfileTagAll (returns an empty array - used by Magic & Mythies)
- GetRankAttributeData (returns a static XML)
- GetUserActivityByUserID (returns an empty array)
- GetUserGameCurrency (return 65536 gems and 65536 coins)
- GetUserMessageQueue (returns an emtpy array)
- SaveMessage (doesn't do anything and returns false)
- SendMessage (doesn't do anything and returns false)