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It is strongly recommended that you always ask for the participants' informed consent to participate in a study.

The Consent widget handles the accepting/rejecting procedure, but it needs a frame containing the text of the form.

Consent Form Frame

Below is a Consent page template.

<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/lib/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/nodegame.css'></link>
  #consent h3 { color: chocolate };
  <div id="container">
    <div id="notAgreed" style="display: none; margin-top: 30px; font-size: 24px;">
        You have chosen to <strong>not participate</strong> in this study,
        therefore you have been disconnected and you can now return the HIT.
        Thank you for your interest, we hope to have you as a participant in our
        future studies.
      <button class="btn" id="show-consent">Show Consent Form</button>
    <div id="consent">

      <!-- Insert Consent Form Here -->



Save the consent form frame as 'consent.htm' inside the public/ folder of your game.

Then, replace <!-- Insert Consent Form Here --> with your own consent form, or use one of the examples below.

Finally, use the Consent widget to add the interactions.

Consent Forms Examples

Below you can find three informed consent templates for university and corporate research. Just replace the text in curly brackets with the information which is relevant for you.

University Research Consent Form Template

  We would like to invite you to participate in a web-based
  online experiment. The experiment is part of a research
  program whose purpose is {EXP_PURPOSE}.

  <strong>You must be at least 18 years old to participate
    in these experiments.</strong>

  <strong>The decision to participate in this research
    project is voluntary.</strong> You do not have to
  participate and you can refuse to answer any
  question. Even if you begin the web-based experiment, you
  can stop at any time by closing your browser.

  <strong>There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts to you
    for taking part in this study.</strong> We anticipate that
  it will take about
  <em><span id="time"></span> minutes</em> to complete this
  task. However, you will only be rewarded for completing
  the task, not for the length of time you participate.

  You will be compensated for good faith participation in this
  experiment with <em>$<span id="money"></span> {CURRENCY}</em>.
  Submitted HITs will be <strong>rejected</strong>
  if they are completed in a manner that appears to be random,
  incomplete, or otherwise negligent.

  <strong>Your part in this study is anonymized to the
    researchers.</strong> Researchers at the {RESEARCH_LAB}
    may have access to anonymized experimental research
    records. However, because of the nature of electronic
    systems, it is possible that respondents could be
    identified by some electronic record associated with the
    response. Neither the researcher nor anyone involved with
    this study will be capturing those data. Any reports or
    publications based on this research will use only group
    data and will not identify you or any individual as being
    affiliated with this project. The only
    individually-identifying data we receive from Mechanical
    Turk are your unique identifier and your country.  Your
    data are also stored on Mechanical Turk's servers, and the
    data there are subject to the Amazon Mechanical Turk
    Privacy Notice and Participation Agreement.

  <strong>If you have any questions regarding electronic privacy,</strong>
  please feel free to contact {PRIVACY_CONTACT}.

  <strong>If you have any questions about this study,</strong>
  you may contact {EXPERIMENTER_NAME}.

  <strong>If you have any questions regarding your rights as a
    research participant,</strong> please contact
  {IRB_CONTACT}. You may call anonymously if you wish.

  <strong>This study has been reviewed and approved by the
    {IRB_APPROVAL}. This study is funded, in part, by

  <strong>By clicking
    below you are indicating that you consent to participate in this study. Please print out
    a copy of this consent form for your records.</strong>

Corporate Research Consent Form Template

This research project has been reviewed and approved by the {COMPANY}
Ethics Advisory Board.


  Thank you for deciding to volunteer in a {COMPANY} project. The
  purpose of this project is {EXP_PURPOSE}.

  You have no obligation to participate and you may decide to terminate
your participation at any time. You also understand that the researcher
has the right to withdraw you from participation in the project at any
time. Below is a description of the research project, and your consent to
participate. Read this information carefully.




  The expected duration of this task is
  about <em><span id="time"></span> minutes</em>, after completing the
  HIT you will be compensated
  with <em>$<span id="money"></span> {CURRENCY}</em>.

During this project, the following will happen: {EXP_DESCR}.


This waiver is intended to give you informed consent regarding your
participation in this project and also to protect your personally
identifiable information by not asking for specific details, such as your

By clicking "Yes, I agree" at the end of this form, you are agreeing that
you've had time to read and consider this consent waiver and are
comfortable with what is being asked of you as a participant. Aside from
your Mechanical Turk ID, no personal information will be collected during
this study. Your Mechanical Turk ID will not be shared outside of
{COMPANY} and the confines of this study without your permission,
and will be promptly deleted after compensation has been successfully
provided (30 days or less) and after the study has been
completed. De-identified data may be used for future research or given to
another investigator for future use without additional consent.

  If you wish to review or copy any personal information you provided
  during the study, or if you want us to delete or correct any such data,
  email your request to {EXPERIMENTER_NAME} at:
  {EXPERIMENTER_EMAIL}. We will respond to questions or
  concerns within {DAYS_TO_ANSWER} days. For additional information on how {COMPANY}
  handles your personal information, please see
  target="_blank">{COMPANY} Privacy Statement</a>.


{COMPANY} will own all of the research data and analysis and other results
(collectively "Research Results") generated from the information you
provide and your participation in the research project. You may also
provide suggestions, comments or other feedback ("Feedback") to {COMPANY}
with respect to the research project. Feedback is entirely voluntary, and
{COMPANY} shall be free to use, disclose, reproduce, license, or otherwise
distribute, and leverage the Feedback and Research Results.


The research project and information you learn by participating in the
project is confidential to {COMPANY}. Accordingly, you agree to keep it
secret as you would your own confidential information and never disclose
it to anyone else (unless you are required to do under judicial or other
governmental order). However, you do not need to keep secret specific
information that is general public knowledge or that you legally receive
from another source that is not affiliated with {COMPANY} so long as that
source was entitled to share the information with you and did not obligate
you to keep it a secret. You agree not to disclose to {COMPANY} any
non-public information, whether yours or a third party's without notifying
{COMPANY} in advance.


  <li><strong>Benefits:</strong> The research team expects to {EXP_BENEFITS}.
  You will receive any public benefit that may come these
  Research Results being shared with the greater scientific

  <li><strong>Risks:</strong> During your participation, you may experience
    risk that should not be any more significant than the risks you
    experience in your regular daily routine.</li>

You accept the risks described above and whatever consequences may come of
those risks, however unlikely, unless caused by our negligence or intentional misconduct.

You hereby release {COMPANY} and its affiliates from any claim you may
have now or in the future arising from such risks or consequences. In
addition, you agree that {COMPANY} will not be liable for any loss,
damages or injuries that may come of improper use of the study prototype,
equipment, facilities, or any other deviations from the instructions
provided by the research team.

Don't participate in this study if you feel you may not be able to safely
participate in any way including due to any physical or mental illness,
condition or limitation. You agree to immediately notify the research team
of any incident or issue or unanticipated risk or incident.


You represent that you have the full right and authority to sign this
form, and if you are a minor that you have the consent (as indicated
below) of your legal guardian to sign and acknowledge this form. By
clicking "Yes, I agree" below, you confirm that you understand the purpose
of the project and how it will be conducted and consent to participate on
the terms set forth above.

Should you have any questions concerning this project, please contact
your acceptance by clicking "Yes, I agree" below.

Upon request, a copy of this consent form will be provided to you for your
records. On behalf of {COMPANY}, we thank you for your contribution and
look forward to your research session.

UVA Consent Form Template

  <h3 style="text-align: center;">Informed Consent Agreement</h3>

  <h4 style="text-align: center;">
        Please read this consent agreement carefully before you decide
        to participate in the study.

         <strong>Study Title:</strong> {EXP_TITLE}

         <strong>Purpose of the research study:</strong> {EXP_PURPOSE}

         <strong>What you will do in the study:</strong> {EXP_DESCR}.
         If you become uncomfortable at any point, you may quit the survey.

         <strong>Time required:</strong> The study will require about
         <em><span id="time"></span> minutes</em> of your time.

         There are no anticipated risks in this study.

         <strong>Benefits:</strong>  There are no direct benefits to you for
         participating in this research study.

         The information that you give in the study will be handled confidentially.
         You will have the option of providing your email to be contacted
         in case of a followup study, but it will not be linked to your survey
         responses. No other information that could be used to identify
         you will be collected or linked to the data.

         <strong>Voluntary participation:</strong>
         Your participation in the study is completely voluntary.

         <strong>Right to withdraw from the study:</strong> You have the right to
         withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. Because the data
         are not connected to your identity, you cannot withdraw after you submit
         your data.

        <strong>How to withdraw from the study:</strong> If you want to withdraw
        from the study, you may close your internet browser. There is no penalty
        for withdrawing, but you will not receive the payment for the study.

        <strong>Payment:</strong> You will receive a payment of
        <em>$<span id="money"></span> {CURRENCY}</em> for participating in the study.

        <strong>Using data beyond this study:</strong>
        The researcher would like to make the information collected in this study
        available to other researchers after the study is completed. The researcher
        will remove any identifying information (such as your name,
        contact information, etc.) connected to the information you provide.
        Examples of other studies include meta-analyses of similar studies that
        aggregate information from multiple participants from a broad range of
        studies. Researchers of future studies will not ask your permission for
        each new study and will not have access to your name and other information
        that could potentially identify you, nor will they attempt to do so.

        <strong>If you have questions about the study, contact:</strong>

        <strong>To obtain more information about the study, ask questions about
        the research procedures, express concerns about your participation,
        or report illness, injury or other problems, please contact:</strong>
        Tonya R. Moon, Ph.D.<br>
        Chair, Institutional Review Board for the Social and Behavioral Sciences<br>
        One Morton Dr Suite 500<br>
        University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800392<br>
        Charlottesville, VA 22908-0392<br>
        Telephone: (434) 924-5999<br>
        Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]"
        target='_blank'> [email protected]</a> <br>
        Website: <a href=""
        target='_blank'> </a> <br>
        Website for Research Participants: <a href=""
        target='_blank'> </a>
        UVA IRB-SBS

        I agree to participate in the research study described above.

        Check the button below to indicate agreement.

        If you need a copy of this consent form, you may print a copy of this
        page for your records.

Explanations of Variables to Replace

Note that some variables template-specific.

  • {EXP_TITLE}: a concise title for the study,
  • {EXP_PURPOSE}: the purpose of your study (try to not give away too much, a generic text such as "to study how groups perform decisions" might suffice),
  • {EXP_DESCR}: a more verbose description of the different stages of the experiment,
  • {EXP_BENEFITS}: a verbose description of the benefits for society and science for conducting your study,
  • {RESEARCH_LAB}: the name of your research group,
  • {PRIVACY_CONTACT}: the person at your institution answering privacy concerns,
  • {EXPERIMENTER_NAME}: this is you,
  • {EXPERIMENTER_EMAIL}: the email you want participants to write to in case of issues with the study,
  • {IRB_APPROVAL}: the person/body that approved your study, add the approval number if any,
  • {FUNDING_SCHEME}: the funding declaration,
  • {CURRENCY}: the currency in which you pay participants,
  • {COMPANY}: the name of the company which commissioned the study,
  • {DAYS_TO_ANSWER}: expected number of days to answer an email,
  • {LINK_TO_PRIVACY_STATEMENT}: an hyperlink to an official privacy statement.

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