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Mark Hughes edited this page Sep 28, 2017 · 12 revisions


This documentation is automatically generated by FactionsCLI.

If you make a change while the server is running use the command /f reload. If you just stop the server LegacyFactions will overwrite the configuration with whatever is in memory at the time. You don't need to stop and start the server to make a change to the configuration.

Table of Contents

  • Misc
  • Commands
  • Warmups
  • Relations
  • Tooltips
  • Power
  • Player Prefix
  • Faction
  • Damage Modifier
  • Expansion: FactionsChat
  • Expansion: FactionsFly
  • Tasks
  • Format
  • Server Logging
  • Exploits
  • Portals
  • Scoreboard
  • Titles
  • Territory Change


debug - Debug Mode
If enabled, fine details will be sent to the console.

logStatistics - Metrics
If enabled, useful statistics will be uploaded about your server. This helps with development and planning!


allowNoSlashCommand - Allow no slash commands
If enabled it will allow using factions commands without the initial slash.
For example typing 'f claim' instead of '/f claim'


warmupWarp - Warp Warmup
How long (in seconds) the warmup for warps should be

warmupHome - Home Warmup
How long (in seconds) the warmup for homes should be


maxRelations - Max Relations per Relationship
The maximum relationship for each type, set to -1 to disable

colorMember - Member Relation Colour
The colour used to define the realtion member

colorAlly - Ally Relation Colour
The colour used to define the realtion elly

colorTruce - truce Relation Colour
The colour used to define the relation truce

colorNeutral - Neutral Relation Colour
The colour used to define the relation neutral

colorEnemy - Enemy Relation Colour
The colour used to define the relation enemy

colorPeaceful - Peaceful Relation Colour
The colour used to define the relation peaceful


tooltips - Tooltip Templates
These are the templates for tooltips


powerPlayerMax - Max Player Power
The maximum player power

powerPlayerMin - Minimum Player Power
The minimum player power

powerPlayerStarting - Default Starting Player Power
The power a player starts on when they first join

powerPerMinute - Power Regenerated Per Minute
The amount of power regenerated pre minute. 0.2 = 5 minute to heal 1 power (aka 50 minutes for 10 power)

powerPerDeath - Power Loss Per Death
The amount of power lost on death

powerRegenOffline - Power Regen Offline
If enabled, players will regenerate power while they're offline.

powerOfflineLossPerDay - Offline Power Loss Per Day
How much power a player will lose per day they are offline

powerOfflineLossLimit - Offline Power Loss Limit
Offline power loss will not continue dropping once their drop drops to this amount or less

powerFactionMax - Faction Max Power
Set to 0 to disable. If greated than 0, this will be the maximum power a faction can have. Additional power will act as a 'buffer'.

Player Prefix

playerPrefixAdmin - Admin Prefix
The prefix for faction admins

playerPrefixColeader - Coleader Prefix
The prefix for faction coloeaders

playerPrefixMod - Coleader Prefix
The prefix for faction moderators


factionDefaultRelation - Default Relation
The default relation of factions

factionTagLengthMin - Faction Tag Minimum Length
The minimum length of a faction tag

factionTagLengthMax - Faction Tag Maxmimum Length
The maximum length of a faction tag

factionTagForceUpperCase - Faction Tag Force Upper Case
Force the tag to be uppercase.

factionDescriptionLengthMax - Faction Description Maxmimum Length
The maximum length of a faction description. Set to -1 to disable.

newFactionsDefaultOpen - Default to Open
If true, factions will default to open.

factionMemberLimit - Member Limit
Set to 0 to disable. If a faction hits this limit, players will no longer be able to join using /f join

newPlayerStartingFactionID - New Player Starting Faction ID
This is default set to 0 (no faction), but if you want players to automatically join a faction set this to that ID.

showMapFactionKey - Show Faction Keys on Map
If true, faction names will show as keys on the faction map.

showNeutralFactionsOnMap - Show Neutral Factions On Map
If true, neutral factions will be visible on the map.

showEnemyFactionsOnMap - Show Enemy Factions On Map
If true, enemy factions will be visible on the map.

allowColourCodesInFactionTitle - Allow Colour Codes In Faction Title
If true, colour codes will be allowed in faction titles.

allowColourCodesInFactionDescription - Allow Colour Codes In Faction Description
If true, colour codes will be allowed in faction descriptions.

canLeaveWithNegativePower - Disallow Leaving with negative power
If false, players can not join, leave, or be kicekd while power is negative.

disablePistonsInTerritory - Disable Pistons In Territory
If true, pistons will be disable in territories.

broadcastDescriptionChanges - Broadcast Description Changes
If true, a broadcast will be sent when a faction description is changed.

broadcastTagChanges - Broadcast Tag Changes
If true, a broadcast will be sent when a faction name tag is changed.

Damage Modifier

damageModifierPercentRelationPlayer - Damage Modifier For Relation To Player
Damage modifier as a percent for each relation. 100 = default. 120 = 20% extra. These will be used in conjuction with wilderness/safezone/warzone damage modifiers

damageModifierPercentRelationLocationByPlayer - Damage Modifier By Player For Relation To Location
Damage modifier as a percent for each relation. 100 = default. 120 = 20% extra. These will be used in conjuction with wilderness/safezone/warzone damage modifiers

damageModifierPercentRelationLocationByMob - Damage Modifier By Mob For Relation To Location
Damage modifier as a percent for each relation. 100 = default. 120 = 20% extra. These will be used in conjuction with wilderness/safezone/warzone damage modifiers

damageModifierPercentWilderness - Damage Modifier For Wilderness
Damage modifier as a percent for wilderness. 100 = default. 120 = 20% extra. This will be used in conjunction with relation damage modifiers.

damageModifierPercentSafezone - Damage Modifier For Safezone
Damage modifier as a percent for safezone. 100 = default. 120 = 20% extra. This will be used in conjunction with relation damage modifiers.

damageModifierPercentWarzone - Damage Modifier For Warzone
Damage modifier as a percent for warzone. 100 = default. 120 = 20% extra This will be used in conjunction with relation damage modifiers.

Expansion: FactionsChat

Expansion: FactionsFly


saveToFileEveryXMinutes - Save Interval
How often (in minutes) should we save files.

autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity - Inactivity Autoleave: how many days?
After how many days of inactivty should a player autoleave their faction

autoLeaveRoutineRunsEveryXMinutes - Inactivity Autoleave: timer frequency
How often (in minutes) should we run the autoleave task

autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick - Inactivity Autoleave: max ms per tick
The max ms per tick that the task can run - 1 server tick is roughly 50ms, so the default (5) is 10% of a tick

removePlayerDataWhenBanned - Remove Player Data When Banned
Removes all player data when they are banned. This is destructive, consider wisely.

autoLeaveDeleteFPlayerData - Remove Player From Autoleave
Removes all player data when they autoleave from inactivty. This is destructive, consider wisely.


enabledScriptSupport - Enabled Script Support
Add script support for characters other than English. See:

Server Logging

logFactionCreate - Log Factions Create
Log Factions Create Event

logFactionDisband - Log Factions Disband
Log Factions Disband Event

logFactionJoin - Log Factions Join
Log Factions Join Event

logFactionKick - Log Factions Kick
Log Factions Kick Event

logFactionBan - Log Factions Ban
Log Factions Ban Event

logFactionLeave - Log Factions Leave
Log Factions Leave Event

logLandClaims - Log Factions Claim Events
Log Factions Claim Events

logLandUnclaims - Log Factions Unclaim Events
Log Factions Unclaim Event

logMoneyTransactions - Log Factions Money Transaction Events
Log Factions Money Transaction Events

logPlayerCommands - Log Player Commands
Log Player Commands


handleExploitObsidianGenerators - Obsidian Generators
Block Obsidian Generators

handleExploitEnderPearlClipping - Ender Pearl Clipping
Block Ender Pearl Clipping

handleExploitInteractionSpam - Interaction Spam
Block Interaction Spam

handleExploitTNTWaterlog - TNT Waterlog
Block TNT Waterlog

handleExploitLiquidFlow - Liquid Flow
Block liquid flow between territories

findFactionsExploitLog - Factions Find Exploit Log
Log when a factions find exploit is triggered

findFactionsExploitCooldownMils - Factions Find Exploit Cooldown
Cooldown between map updating


portalsLimit - Portals Limit
Limits exit portal creation to where they're allowed to based on relation

portalsMinimumRelation - Portals Limit Minimum Relation
The minimum relation where we can create exit portals (if portalsLimit is true)


scoreboardInChat - Scoreboard In Chat
Should we also show the scoreboard in chat?

scoreboardExpiresSecs - Scoreboard Expires
After how many seconds does the scoreboard expire

scoreboardInfoEnabled - Scoreboard Info
Should we enable the info scoreboard?

scoreboardInfo - Scoreboard Info
Layout of info scoreboard

scoreboardDefaultEnabled - Scoreboard Default
Is scoreobard default enabled?

scoreboardDefaultTitle - Scoreboard Default Title
Default title

scoreboardDefaultUpdateIntervalSecs - Scoreboard Update Interval
How long (in seconds) between scoreboard updates?

scoreboardDefaultPrefixes - Scoreboard Default Prefixes
Should we enable the scoreboard default prefixes?

scoreboardDefault - Scoreboard Default
Layout of default scoreboard

scoreboardFactionlessEnabled - Scoreboard Factionless Enabled
Should we enable the Factionless scoreboard?

scoreboardFactionless - Scoreboard Factionless
Layout of Factionless scoreboard


Territory Change

territoryChangeText - Territory Change Text Enabled
If set to false players will never receive land change messages when they move between territories.