Releases: uwcirg/truenth-portal
Hotfix biopsy issue
Hotfix biopsy null issued
Late March Release
Release Notes
- [TN-664] - ePROMs - Mobile responsive layout issues
- [TN-794] - Content - Liferay needs to add extensions to files (Smartling issue)
- [TN-568] - MUSIC - Doctor to patient (initial invite) email to complete P3P
- [TN-609] - MUSIC: Staff trigger MUSIC-specific emails from patient profile UI (per p3p report instead of registration)
- [TN-610] - MUSIC: Add practitioner variable support for content
- [TN-612] - MUSIC: org-specific config MUSIC-specific invite & reminder email content items
- [TN-692] - MUSIC - Extend event mechanism for finished QBs
- [TN-706] - Content - Provide options to send drafts and UUID linked versions to Smartling
- [TN-712] - MUSIC - Doctor to patient (reminder) email to complete P3P
- [TN-729] - MUSIC - implement support for a P3P link variable in email content
- [TN-741] - TNG - Fork Symptom Tracker in to a separate instance
- [TN-774] - Content - enable multiple content items in selection menu inside the Smartling app
- [TN-805] - MUSIC: rename org
- [TN-811] - ePROMs - IRONMAN Duke to v3 protocol
- [TN-819] - MUSIC - initial queries UI mods for 'Acknowledgement'
- [TN-825] - ePROMs - org changes for next regular prod update
- [TN-830] - TNUSA - remove Facebook from registration options (leave for logins)
- [TN-836] - Liferay - need extra support for languages
- [TN-883] - ePROMs - org protocol v3 changes for late March release (late-breaking)
- [TN-923] - ePROMs - Roswell protocol v3 changes for late March release (late-breaking)
Temporarily disable Facebook signup
Merge pull request #1952 from uwcirg/fb-register-ui-fix hotfix - hide fb UI on registration page
Update study protocol for Duke
- Update study protocol to v3 for Duke
March Release
Release Notes - TrueNTH - Version March Release
- [TN-143] - ePROMs - Completed instruments are not displayed on the interstitial page
- [TN-231] - ePROMs - Errors with IRONMAN 12 month PROMs
- [TN-726] - Libreoffice server going to 100% CPU due to glib < 2.54
- [TN-751] - Password reset confirmation dialog not displayed at proper time
- [TN-529] - ePROMs - New 'resources' page for site resources
- [TN-578] - Improve service token management
- [TN-596] - Content - use the original version to update the content -> it is updating the last version
- [TN-606] - MUSIC : P3P should save all assessment data to the portal (currently does epic26 only)
- [TN-674] - Files created on Liferay should carry human readable metadata
- [TN-679] - The CMS should block draft documents from going into Smartling
- [TN-697] - Content - Easy way to select content items when sending to smarting
- [TN-702] - ePROMs - Questionnaire banks for backdated PROMs when a new protocol is approved
- [TN-707] - ePROMs - Update 'indemnification' language for site resources
- [TN-723] - Make elasticsearch indexes persistent as a volume
TNUSA Hotfix
- Hotfix TNUSA QB issue
COFW Hotfix
- Allow "unknown" status on Observations
Late Jan Release
Release Notes - TrueNTH - Version Late Jan Release
- [TN-184] - Consider staff registration workflow w/out DOB
- [TN-311] - TN USA - Printing Symptom Tracker clinical report and domain-specific graphs: unreadable at small window sizes
- [TN-329] - ePROMs - Duplicate questionnaires in the Session History in IE11
- [TN-397] - Missing constraint on user_identifiers
- [TN-435] - TNUSA - red bars appearing on Truenth home page in windows laptop.
- [TN-504] - ePROMs - Timezone for a patient defaults to UTC after consent (interview)
- [TN-507] - ePROMs - The 'Start Questionnaire' button is not centered on the interstitial page
- [TN-534] - ePROMs - Unable to scroll the page up after checking the website consent checkboxes
- [TN-544] - ePROMs - Incorrect expiry date for 6 month PROMs (IRONMAN)
- [TN-573] - ePROMs - Unable to change the consent date
- [TN-629] - TN USA - Exercise & Diet GIL portal page still shows login/create modal when user clicks START while logged in
- [TN-157] - ePROMs - Update 'About Us' content from Python to LifeRay
- [TN-288] - ePROMs - reminder emails sent before due date: use different content item
- [TN-373] - Liferay: CMS should provide a way to preview email content
- [TN-531] - TNUSA Exercise & Diet: unauthenticated page implementation
- [TN-532] - TNUSA Exercise & Diet: refine navigation as need be
- [TN-571] - IRONMAN: add University of Washington site (BY 2018-01-12)
- [TN-575] - TN USA - initial queries bypass for CofW
Hotfix backdating
v17.11.22.1 Release v17.11.22.1
TN-185: ePROMs - Manually enter treatment information
TN-213: ePROMs - Multiple PROMs questionnaires for different (research) protocols (backend changes to support it)
TN-280: TNUSA - New website 'General Terms' for the site resource
TN-331: GIL decision support : one of the 'START' buttons doesn't do anything
TN-333: ePROMs - Backdating PROMs
TN-335: Move patient invite/reminder email generation to API
TN-342: TNUSA - Patients who withdraw site consent should not appear on staff's Patient List
TN-348: Formatting issues with variable replacement & LR content
TN-352: Trigger date for org affiliated QBs to use treatment date or fall back to consent
TN-353: ePROMS - Unable to delete email address from a patient profile
TN-356: TNUSA - Update content on Homepage and About Prostate Cancer page
TN-369: Handle malformed recipient email addresses in site summary emails
TN-384: ePROMs TNGR: Error when trying to log in via link in reminder email
TN-392: ePROMs - Doylestown site resource can see non-Doylestown patients in PROD
TN-399: API GET endpoint for QB info
TN-401: ePROMs - Incorrect 'registry' verbiage on the patient dashboard
TN-403: Give Staff /terms to StaffAdmins