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Checkout ‐ Address

Manuel edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 2 revisions

Checkout - Address


The third step on the checkout process. Here the user can choose his delivery address. If he has already a delivery adn billing address registered he can choose either as the delivery address for this order. He can also use his delivery address as billing address. If he chooses not to then he needs to specifically choose his billing address from the address he has already registered. The user can also update both his delivery and billing addresses here.

In case the user wants to register a new address to use for the other he can also do it here.

And lastly if the user would like to add a comment regarding the order he can submit one in a textarea.

User Stories & Test Cases

  • should display all the necessary elements

As a customer, I want to be able to choose my preferred delivery address in checkout 'Address' section:

  • should allow customer to choose delivery address

As a customer, I want to be able to choose my delivery address as billing address for tax purposes:

  • should allow customer to choose delivery address as billing address

As a customer, I want to be able see my delivery address displayed in checkout 'Address' section:

  • should display delivery address details

As a customer, I want to be able to update my delivery address displayed in checkout 'Address' section:

  • should allow customer to update delivery address details

As a customer, I want to be able see my billing address displayed in checkout 'Address' section:

  • should display billing address details

As a customer, I want to be able to update my billing address displayed in checkout 'Address' section:

  • should allow customer to update billing address details

As a customer, I want to be add a new address in checkout 'Address' section:

  • should allow customer to add a new address

As a customer, I want to add a comment about my order, so that I can give additional information:

  • should allow customer to add a comment about the order

As a customer, I want to be able to proceed to the next checkout section:

  • should allow customer to continue to next section

(See test cases) (See test code)