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Main Page

Manuel edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

Main Page


The main page of the application. It displays the product's carousel with different offers, the different sales that exist at the moment, a Popular and Best Sellers tab to check different products and a grid displaying various product sections.

User Stories & Test Case

As a customer, I want to see a carousel on the main page, so that I can see highlighted or featured products quickly:

  • should display carousel on the main page

As a customer, I want to swipe or click arrows to navigate through the carousel, so that I can explore multiple products or promotions:

  • should allow user to navigate through the carousel using arrow buttons

As a customer, I want the carousel to auto-rotate, so that I see the featured items without manually interacting with it:

  • should auto-rotate the carousel

As a customer, I want to see the sales section beside the carousel, so that I can quickly spot discounted products:

  • should display the sales section

As a customer, I want to click on the 'Popular' tab, so that I can see which products are trending among other customers:

  • should display the 'Popular' tab

As a customer, I want to click on the 'Best Sellers' tab, so that I can explore products that are highly rated or frequently purchased:

  • should display the 'Best Sellers' tab

As a customer, I want to toggle between the 'Popular' and 'Best Sellers' tabs, so that I can explore both categories without leaving the page:

  • should allow the user to toggle between 'Popular' and 'Best Sellers' tabs

(See test cases)