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Product Detail Page (PDP)

Manuel edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 21 revisions

Product Detail Page (PDP)


The product detail page serves to show even more information to the user about a specific product. This page shows a larger product image, it shows the product name, description, reference, condition, it shows the product availability (or the lack of product in stock) , it shows social buttons to share the specific product page, it shows a 'send to friend' and a 'print' button.

This page also shows the product's data sheet where the product's composition, styles and properties are displayed.

Finally this page displays the product's price along any discount there might be for the product and the discounted price. The page also displays the product's quantity, size and color, all of which which can be changed using the UI in order to fit the user's preference.

User Stories & Test Cases

  • should display all the necessary elements

As a customer, I want to be able to access product detail pages, so that I know all the characteristics of the products:

  • should be able to access product detail page by clicking on product image on catalogue
  • should be able to access product detail page by clicking on product name on catalogue
  • should be able to access product detail page by clicking on product 'More' button on catalogue
  • should be able to access product detail page by clicking on product colors on catalogue

As a customer, I want to see the product's name, reference, condition and description, so that I know the state of the product:

  • should display product's name, reference, condition and description

As a customer, I want to see if product is in stock or not, so that I can know what I can buy:

  • should display 'In Stock' text if product is available
  • should display 'This product is no longer in stock with those attributes but is available with others.' text if product not available
  • should display 'This product is no longer in stock.' text if product not available

As a customer, I want to see how many items of each product in stock are available so I can know when to order:

  • should display number of items available if product is in stock

As a customer, I want to see social buttons, so that I can share products I like with my friends:

  • should display social buttons for twitter, fb, google+ and pinterest

As a customer, I want to see 'Send to a friend' button, so that I can email a friend this product:

  • should display 'Send to a friend' button

As a customer, I want to see 'Print' button, so that I can print this product detail page:

  • should display 'Print' button

As a customer, I want to see a data sheet of product information such as compositions, styles, properties, so that I can know the features of the product:

  • should display data sheet displaying product composition, styles and properties

As a customer, I want to see the product's price, so that I can know how much I will be charged:

  • should display product price

As a customer, I want to see the product's discount in case it has one, so that I can know how much I will be charged:

  • should display product discount
  • should display product price after discount

As a customer, I want to see the product quantity and controls to increase or decrease it, so that I can select as many products as I want:

  • should display product quantity
  • should allow the user to increase the product quantity
  • should allow the user to decrease the product quantity

As a customer, I want to see the product size and controls to increase or decrease it, so that I can select the product best fitted to me:

  • should display product size
  • should allow the user to increase the product size
  • should allow the user to decrease the product size

Product Detail Page (PDP) - EP test cases

Product Quantity:

  • should consider a product quantity of a minus number as an invalid quantity partition
  • should consider a product quantity of a 0 number as an invalid quantity partition
  • should consider a product quantity higher than the product's available stock as an invalid quantity partition
  • should consider a product quantity of higher than 0 and lower than product's available stock as a valid quantity partition

Product Detail Page (PDP) - BVA test cases

Product Quantity:

  • should have boundary for invalid quantity partition at 0
  • should have lower boundary for valid quantity partition at 1
  • should have upper boundary for valid quantity partition at 'amount available in stock'
  • should have boundary for invalid quantity partition at 'amount available in stock' + 1

(See test cases) (See test code)

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