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Checkout ‐ Payment

Manuel edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 6 revisions

Checkout - Payment


The fifth and last step of the checkout process. Here the products that are part of the order are displayed again, similar to how they were displayed in the first step(shopping cart), the difference is here the user cannot increase or decrease product quantities or remove products. Here the order products are displayed simply for the user to review them. Again the total price of all products, the price of shipping, and the total price of the order.

In order to finish the order the user has two options:

'Pay by bank wire' if the user clicks this option he will be redirected to a final screen where the total price of the order will be displayed along other information related to bank wire payments.

'Pay by check wire' if the user clicks this option he will be redirected to a final screen where the total price of the order will be displayed along other information related to check wire payments.

In either case the user can finally complete his order by clicking on the 'I confirm my order button'. Doing this will reload the page and a success message reading 'Your order on My Shop is complete.' will be visible.

Once this is done the order is successfully completed.

User Stories & Test Cases

  • should display all the necessary elements

As a customer, I want to see a clear summary of items in my cart with details (product name, SKU, size, color, availability, price, discounts, quantity, and total product price(after any discounts are applied)), so that I can confirm my order:

  • should display any items added to cart in cart summary
  • should display product name of any item added to cart
  • should display SKU of any item added to cart
  • should display size of any item added to cart
  • should display color of any item added to cart
  • should display availability of any item added to cart
  • should display price of any item added to cart
  • should display discounts of any item added to cart
  • should display quantity of any item added to cart
  • should display total product price of any item added to cart

As a customer, I want to see the total price of shipping in the payment section summary, so that I can ensure there are no unexpected charges:

  • should display the total price of shipping in the payment section

As a customer, I want to see the total price of the order(total products + total shipping price) in the payment section summary, so that I can ensure there are no unexpected charges:

  • should display the total price of the order in the payment section

As a customer, I want to be able to pay by bank wire, so that I can pay in case no other methods are available:

  • should allow the customer to pay by bank wire

As a customer, I want to be able to pay by check wire, so that I can pay in case no other methods are available:

  • should allow the customer to pay by check wire

(See test cases) (See test code)

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