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Aaron Bach edited this page Aug 14, 2018 · 10 revisions


My smart home lives primarily on an Intel NUC i5 (Hub). I have a series of 5 Raspberry Pi 3s (each with a 32 GB mini SD card) that previously ran these services; with Hub in place, they're currently waiting assignment to their next project.

Of course, because I'm a child of the late 90s, each Raspberry Pi is named after a school house from the Harry Potter franchise. ⚡️


Hub is the workhorse of the group and runs all of my major services (each as an independent Docker container):

  • Home Assistant: the primary home automation software
  • AppDaemon: Home Assistant-friendly automation in pure Python
  • Dasher: a service allowing Amazon Dash buttons to interact with the system
  • Glances: system monitoring and stats
  • Grafana: data visualization and analytics
  • ha-dockermon: RESTful services to interact with Docker containers
  • iBeacon: a container that allows my hub to act as an iBeacon for presence detection
  • Mosquitto: an MQTT broker for fast, friendly service communication
  • NGINX: a fast, secure web server behind which the other services live

How these containers are built, interact with one another, etc. can be found in the docker-compose.yaml file.

Hub has two additional hardware peripherals:


Durmstrang is currently awaiting assignment; bare-bones, it runs:

  • Glances: system monitoring and stats
  • ha-dockermon: RESTful services to interact with Docker containers


Gryffindor is currently awaiting assignment; bare-bones, it runs:

  • Glances: system monitoring and stats
  • ha-dockermon: RESTful services to interact with Docker containers


Hufflepuff is currently awaiting assignment; bare-bones, it runs:

  • Glances: system monitoring and stats
  • ha-dockermon: RESTful services to interact with Docker containers


Ravenclaw is currently awaiting assignment; bare-bones, it runs:

  • Glances: system monitoring and stats
  • ha-dockermon: RESTful services to interact with Docker containers


Slytherin is currently awaiting assignment; bare-bones, it runs:

  • Glances: system monitoring and stats
  • ha-dockermon: RESTful services to interact with Docker containers

Smart Hardware



Home Assistant Tabs

Automation Architecture

  • The App
  • The Automation
  • The Automation Feature

Non-UI Interactions

  • Alexa
  • Workflow
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